Virtual bonding across the Strait(2)

文化新闻 2023-08-19115网络整理知心

And the online exchanges among youth don't stop there. Yang said that her 10-year-old little sister is a big fan of Xiaohongshu and the short video platform Douyin. "My sister knows about almost everything that's going on on these apps, and I've learned so many trending topics and buzzwords from the Chinese mainland from her," she said.

Observing a similar passion and enjoyment for social media among young people across the Strait, Jia believes that browsing social media has now become an essential part of their daily lives. "In today's world, social media holds significant importance for the young generation. It acts as a means through which they absorb cultural insights, gather personal experiences, and slowly shape their self-perceptions while gaining a better understanding of the world," she said. "Drawing from these insights, they can also become better versions of themselves."

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